TLWN; Shattered Dominion: Toval Part 2 (Chapter 11)
Ru pov: A guy hits a drone with his head
YouTube mi doporučilo animovanou příručku armády Russké federace. Je toto ještě normální? A mě buzeruje za hate speech kvůli Tiger tanku
somehow generated a colonist who’s incapable of literally everything
Russian Favoritism?
Airborne operations and parachutes
Do I have to learn Russian to understand the radio callouts?
Played the last 10 rounds as a Russian, switched to U.S for shits and giggles and ordered my squad to fire on a U.S truck full of Friendlies.
Roast my loadout
Reconfigure relay with squad
I always feel so guilty when ever I read the "personal belongings" in the experimental
Americans are winning more often
The March to War feeling:
So how would I go about disposing of this obvious western spy.
Can they make you feel any worse for killing an enemy?
A Soviet woman who lost seven sons during World War II.
Apparently Russia is tiny
Poland and Baltic nations to pull OUT from Ottowa landmines convention
It's a canon event.
Why does a steel mill need electricity if it uses coal?
My sewage clogged 😭
Is this foreshadowing for the new Early Start DLC?
Last photo of Marie Fikackova, a Czech serial killer executed by short drop hanging in Prague in 1961, minutes before her execution
Question about Ranking System
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