Regeringen bekræfter: USA kan frit flytte F-35-reservedele væk fra Danmark
How do people feel about the experimental prototype cadre?
Oiling a thin veneer on MDF, is it possible?
MUNITORUM FIELD MANUAL VERSION 2.4 - Update in points, EC is the only highlighted one. But there is change.
New detachment - Experimental Prototype Cadre
Meta Monday 3/3/25: The Elves Are Back In Town
Sprue-built Hammerhead turret. Perfect for your Combat Patrol Devilfish
Ukraine agrees minerals deal with United States
Warhammer 40K Turniere in Flensburg?
I have 2-3 squads (390 points) of Vespids in the making with new/old/other and wonder how that will synergise with a formerly all kroot army?
Sharing is caring, I have no need for it.
Army for tournament this sunday.
Trying out hexagon pattern for shields. Tiger Shark got messed up a bit as I did not fade enough.
why was this taken from us
Rule clarification - Charging after destroyed Land Raider.
Garvet sømand advarer om mystisk skib i Skagerrak.
New to 40k - Would it be wrong to enter a local RTT as a VERY new player?
Chat-GPT - Bruger i den og hvordan?
Grotmas Calendar Day 21 – It takes all sorts
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(Rasmus Jarlov) Raser efter afsløringer: Stop AL handel med Rusland
Grotmas Day 18 – Wish upon the Star Children
Best way to deal with a void dragon?