LF: Offers FT: Photos
I don’t have a use for the Genescet, so anyone have a shiny larvesta/Volcarona I will trade for.
I can delete the game now. 🙏
Omg y’all it’s not hard to delete and resend the message 😭
Play how you want to and don’t listen to the Negativity. Please.
Who be making these bots?
What would your OC's reaction be like if they saw a genderbent/genderswapped version of them
I know the Super Bowl and stuff is probably over but I thought this first sentence was funny.
My lovely, caught in a Love Ball because I love him.
Part Five: Creating a Tera Raid Pokemon. Kommo-o
Part Four of: Creating my own Tera Raid Pokemon.Annihilape
Well, that’s not an ominous notification
Part three of: Creating my own Tera Raid Pokemon and seeing how you can defeat them.
Part two of: Creating my own Tera Raid Pokemon. I’m curious about how you’ll defeat it.
Curious about age!
I’v started a new Scarlet game. I have the dlc on my main account and noticed it can transfer whenever I make a new game. Should I play the DLC?
I wanted to get back into the game so I decided to create my own Tera Raid Pokemon to have fun. May be cringy but I’m curious to how you will defeat them.
STD wordplay
Who is your favorite trainer? Mine is Opal, so far.
Pick & Choose. Ask. Receive. Looking for Shinies to go in my games. Check description.
First time getting a gened mon. At least I got a free Master Ball.
Pick. Choose. Ask. Receive. Part 2 Read Description.
Valentine’s Day has passed, but do any of your OCs have partners?
I think something is wrong with my Alcremie