My measuring spoon is plastic so the static made my onion powder spiky
We put our baby on the market today - gonna miss her.
Yes 7040 Oz of lube please
Update - Fiancée ate my daughter’s cupcake
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
I pad extra for ultra “thin” lenses and this is what I got
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Now, Jupiter's Great Red Spot is SMALLER THAN THE EARTH!
No one likes an excuse to party
The Chicago River has been dyed green in preparation for St. Patrick's Day
JD Vance booed at the Kennedy Center today
Who knew your values show your character? Apparently not Ben.
The New Flag of the City of Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Australian tarantula hawk wasp dragging off a huntsman spider to lay her egg in its paralysed body.
Y’all..🌽hub is free.
Consent is hard to understand apparently
McDonald’s New “Play Place” for Children. Two screens/two chairs
I kissed my brother and now my fiancé wants to break up with me since he finds it weird. AITAH?
Ordering beverages at a restaurant is a waste of money
I dont get it peter
Weird growth on my Avocado Seed