Rate my Village. 1.5 years progress. No Livestock yet :/
Pie making irl
No Way South
My farm mid summer year 1. Far from done but this is the progress so far
Be honest is it too Phallic? Open to any Ideas or suggestions
Is the Canadian military ready?
My Copper Age Settlement
That neighbor boy you knew in 2006-2011 starterpack
exponential growth hitting hard rn (every sow here is pregnant)
Burt smokin' that devils lettuce
Fleet Carrier Figmentus Gigantus is buying Titanium for 35k credit, 14k demand and CMM 45k credit, 8k demand in Lambda Andromedae.
My biggest sale yet! thanks to r/EliteTraders
Carrier Stormhaven (X0F-40F) buying aluminium, 65k/ton purchase price, (62kish profit per ton), 4166 demand
[TREX]Tiger's Claw (HGB-L7X) is buying STEEL and TITANIUM for 25K / ton; demand 10,000 each. Stationed in KEHPERAGWE next to SHARMA PORT with full supply
Space Trucking is back in a big way! (not like it ever left)
Dawnstar X5N-44G loading Aluminium, Titanium in HIP 71515, Velho Dock. 30k/t profit, 23k Units
RCS Headbangers Ball (G9V-G4K) loading steel, titanium, and liquid oxygen for 12k profit/unit in HR 943 (2345 hrs UTC Feb 28)
Can somebody help me find this nostalgic games that I've played before?
Close Orbit. Bonus: what ship is in the photo?
he contributes nothing to society . . .
I've been robbed
DOOM on Sega 32x, what are the best ways to play doom on miyoo?
Rings and Circles :)
My latest photos. o7
My most profitable sale yet! Thank you to the Commanders who gave me advice on my last post