What's your favorite holodeck program?
Give me your best handwavey technobabble to explain why everyone carries around a separate PADD for every document
Do the safety protocols keep your peanits from exploding in the peanits exploader 4 holoprogram?
Do any of you know why I suddenly wish to know Quark carnally?
Where's the best place to be in the average Walmart during a nuclear strike?
Miscommunication again?
Extraterrestrial anatomy...
Granny hates the new Snow White movie and thinks Disney is too "woke"
It feels like they're reveling in human misery here
My life is ruined 😔😔
Wat yo'ure mfavorite oment from the Picachu movie? This ome is mine
Ruh roh
I dare you
There are voluntary waiters in Starfleet. Are there any voluntary hookers as well?
Academy student here: help me pick a major
It's the 25th century and North Korea launches its first warp capable vessel after Star Trek updated their maps
Has Riker ever performed his maneuver on Data?
What did Tribbles taste like?
I’m back to bother you all again
TV has been revived in the 24th century as a product of tireless collaboration between Ferengis and Romulans. What are you watching?
Okay, why is Weyon Making that face... (NSFW answers are okay in my opinion)
Are you tired of me yet?
There should be little treat dispensers on the starships to train the ensigns
They must be medicating the air in the ship constantly
When Troi says she wants “real” chocolate, she means the kind produced by Orion child labor