John Lennon never listened to a CD
"The FASCINATING Connection Between Nintendo Soundtracks and The Beatles"
Paul McCartney is planning on releasing an album this year, this would be like if Elvis Presley released an album in 2018
JFK never gave a high-five
Interracial marriage was still constitutionally illegal in Alabama when Toy Story 2 was released
I have never thought about it before... but true
Hungary new poll
McCartney in 1964 and 2024
The POV of a cat
British Fascist Oswald Mosley died (3 December 1980) the same week as John Lennon (8 December 1980)
Manuel Prado left the presidency of Peru almost a century after his father Mariano Prado became president
A nice February morning in Copenhagen, Denmark
I found these in an antique book
These leaves I found in an antique book from 1845
Tom Lehrer, American singer/mathmatician who in 1959 released The Cold War satirical classic "We Will All Go Together When We Go", has lived long enough to see many of his songs become relevant again
Is there a more famous road than this
Current Senator Chuck Grassley was born under the Great Depression, before Hitler became Führer and closer to The Proclamation of Emancipation than the murder of George Floyd
George Washington never said "Hello"
Joe Biden was born closer to the emancipation proclamation than the murder of Tyre Nichols
If Elvis Presley lived as long as his dear grandmother, he would have died last year
If John Lennon lived as long as his aunt Mimi, he would die this year
Charlie Chaplin could have watched Star Wars
If James Dean lived as long as his father, he would have died in 2019
Eilif Philipsen lived as close to the reign of Elizabeth l as he was the re-election of Abraham Lincoln