Steam jail
Does anyone's partner get annoyed with your tics?
Tell me your age if I can send the full video
Job of the Week 52 2024 🚑
Ego assistants required.
Are stimulants supposed to hurt your chest every time?
Burnt out 2 yrs post qualification
Pyrexia from abcess
Looks like another tongue back there
boomtown revelations
Entering through car park
Weird therapist?
I’ve just left
How are you?
People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?
What do you write down/record in your notes about the session?
Why is smoking and driving so normalized in the community???
Feel free to roast me
Managing overly talkative clients
what’s the highest your heart rate has gone up during an anxiety/ panic attack?
excuse me.. you’re not supposed to climb😭
My SO thinks I'm a junkie.
it annoys tf out of me to see posts about ppl talking abt getting too high
My brother is missing and I’m devastated