Just letting everyone know I'll be back in a week. Post will be deleted/unpinned when I am back!
I have an idea (repost cuz i didn't really explain that much.)
I (had) an idea.
My LOAF gave you a cookie :3 (i will be doing another post in a few minutes)
Will your avatar make a deal with him?
the username for this account (so you guys can friend me instead of me friending you)
five nights at pls donate
An Apology from the Radical Purpose Team.
How will you guys feel about this? (Personal questions) And (video example) and read body text.
Give the silly courier a trend in this subreddit and he'll tell you why that trend sucks
Your Last Chance to get in my story!
Dumb shit
Zerstoren just claimed your Bone, how you react
Give me your avatar with username and I will do dumb shit with 10 or so on CAC.
y'all recognize me?
You see my avatar laying down on a bench in a public park what do you do? (Ignore the part of my avatar glitching and pretend it covers it up)
“Damian Darkrose.” (New Avatar!)
Convince Her
I redrew some people's avatars in my art style that I liked. I'll be doing some more of them hope you add your avatars if you didn't :)
After a successful therapy session, it is now time for her trial. You are a judge at her trial. Would you sympathize with her? If not, what would you do? (Incident at body text)
alright amigos, what's the next move?
CAC Shenanigans