SAR Scan of Khafre Pyramid Shows Huge Underground Structures
The Indigenous people known as the Huichol first appeared in the high highlands of Central Mexico some 15,000 years ago. According to their ancient traditions, both men and women would experience the pain of childbirth.
Watch a primitive tribe's humorous reaction to eating ice for the first time.
India and its temples with moving parts.
This device was supposedly a powerful weapon used by the Ancient Sky God, which emitted thunderbolts. Almost all major ancient civilizations have descriptions of the same indestructible weapon.
A photo from a few year ago when archaeologists discovered five skeletons with elongated skulls buried on top of each other at Kyz-Aul necropolis in Crimea.
This is some news!
The temir komuz is a jaw harp developed by ancient nomadic Turkic peoples of Turkestan, Caucasus and Siberia, believed to date back to 6000 BCE.
The spread of agriculture didn’t just change our diets—it altered our jaws as well, making it easy to pronounce "f"s and "v"s and opening a whole new world of words.
This guy's got a unique primitive technique for splitting massive boulders!
A very enigmatic skull unearthed in Peru several years ago of the wide “heart” shape variety
This ancient toy, dating back to (5500–3000 BC),
The largest human poop ever recorded is from a Viking. Found in York, England in 1972, it measures 20 cm long.
In Europe there is a group of people who, using a simple metal detector, have discovered tombs of medieval knights
This Ancient book is so controversial that it was banned from the Bible: The Book of Enoch.
Did you know that the ancient 'Squatter Man' motif that is found all over the world is EXACTLY the same as a Plasma Charge Formation?
How Mayans decorated their teeth
Are we just rediscovering what has been lost?
How did Noah inform the people who were living in Asia, Europe, America, and Africa about the floods?
This 1200-year-old temple carved from a single rock, it's unbelievable! Over 400,000 tons of rock were excavated and moved to create what is arguably the most incredible temple in human history. But where did all that rock go? No trace of the excavated rock has ever been found.
History repeats itself.
"The universe is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures" — Galileo Galilei, Il Saggiatore, 1623
Apocalypto (2006), directed by Mel Gibson, is a gripping action-adventure set during the Mayan civilization's decline, following Jaguar Paw's fight to save his family after his village is raided.
These Widmanstätten Structures are older than planet Earth’s formation
Lost Mexican city discovered in Mexican Jungle.