Zbrush Save Crashes
Trying to 3D print a mold but my subtool has all this junk inside it from the outside details that clipped into it. Is there a way to make a subtool totally hollow and clear these rogue pieces out?
this frame from the opening of "raised by wolves"
How can they have the same size, but the Y has a huge different value?
I think this was the moment where I declared I loved season 3. The writing still had the sauce yknow
Wip project
I got 4 codes for the Preludes
[4 FREE Preludes Codes] Comment what you want to see in the game, and I will choose 4 winners
(3) Preludes game codes to give away!
What piece of media do you like as much as The Return?
To those who were hoping for more Twin Peaks (not those who weren't), how would you feel if...
Bad films you love: share lists
Any ideas on what just happened?
Which MMORPG implemented your favorite Archetype/Class best and why?
I want some bizarre movie recommendations 😂🙏
Lynchian Films
Reddit told me awards are expiring 1/1/25, so I’m throwing them out like candy.
My husband talks in his sleep and this is some of what I’ve caught.
Calm Movies
Season 1 Reveal, Gameplay Preview & Ranked Resets | Dev Update - League of Legends
What’s the best example of body horror you’ve ever seen?
Icue software randomly removed GPU / CPU and everything else from my home dashboard.
TIL that the English announcements on Japanese bullet trains are actually in a posh Australian accent (not British!)
What’s the one game from your childhood that you’d give anything to experience for the first time again?
Two fishermen in Australia have caught a bizarre "doomsday fish"