"This man just called me a dum Blk B SMH!"
Airline freakout
Let’s stop wasting the police’s time it could be a real emergency
Angry Karen tries to run my girlfriend over while she’s on a dirt bike
Of course they have no rules, they send professors of logic with fuckin razors to your car
NYC woman loses it on a man in a MAGA hat—then karma knocks her down, literally.
Destruction is the Liberal way
Bam and BAM !!!
Manager vs. Rude Customer
Oh, wait a minute..
islam indirectly and directly promotes violence against women
My people are straight ahead
Who’s side are you on?
Oh nahhhh
She watched him drag all of the boxes and then she refused them. that's wild
All-female lynchmob takes care of the local rapist.
The best freakout i’ve seen in ages 🐔 🍄
MmmMmm! Here he is, Rex Harrison and Paul Anka rolled into one. Ooohmmm.
Trying to identify a character. Help?
I know it sounds "bad", hear me out......
Brooooo 😭
What country would you choose to live in for the rest of ur life if you had to choose?