why people don’t want to play family
Hair pack suggestions
If these following changes don’t come for family next updates… the queue’s will stay horrible!!
If the devs want to stop rushing/slow the game down they need to make it harder
Is it still worth it
Returning Player
Hot fix
Respectfully, Stop dcing when an exit goes off
Okay is it just me or...
People disconnecting too much
TCM ranked on how fun they are for ME.
remove perk levels
Rushing is fine?
Left or Right
Future Update Wishlist
Wyatt alt level 3 abilities
Nobody Escapes Hell
anyone else wish hands' ability was to be able to grab and choke victims instead of ripstall?
My Experience Dealing With Certain Family Mains. Feel Free To Give Your Experiences
Slaughterhouse - Storm
Queues are awesome tonight!
These cheaters on pc are really annoying
Bring Back Unlimited Bomb Squad Or Limit The Trap Repairs
Bimonthly updates
Perk Packs?