its 1939...germany hasnt taken austria yet...
he isnt even in power yet bruhh 😭😭
i love that democratic germany gets 6 research slot (without the gotterdammerung)
how do i stop bypassing this focus bruh?! (if i form austria-hungary the "protect czechoslovakia will be bypass and i wont gain anything)
how am i suppose to form austria hungary 😭😭
brits got some cool new technology
is this rare like actually?
italy man 😭😭😭
uhhhh what happened
this is kinda goofy
please help me guys
2000 hours and this is the most cursed thing I have ever seen
how the hell this happened?! (france didnt joined allies but instead made a alliance with yugoslavia)
how do i get the white peace? (i know japan offers a white peace if you get their puppets and conquer korea but i never got it how does it work??)
is this a glitch or what? (the capital supply hub isnt on my capital but instead on a small city??????)