How can I do this work process with FreeCAD? (OOP Way?)
Always on?
Trouble with ZYLtech Clearance Silk PLA: Over-Adhesion and Poor Layer Bonding
How to Optimize Model Seams in QIDI Studio?
Redefine Padded lines FreeCAD.
How to get started with 3D modeling and printing?
Is this a bug?
Cylinder on cylinder outer wall, how to?
Part Design - Curved pattern
Suggestions for a newbie how to recreate weird shape?
Best Practices for Chamfers
Need help, how would you tackle this?
Is it just me, or is silk PLA a royal pain in the arse?
Ribs along a curved wall?
Whats the cheapest 3d printer?
How many of you actually model your prints vs just finding STL’s?
3d printed threads in freecad
Qidi Studio Crashes When Slicing Vase Mode v1.10.2.76
Booleans not working... again :(
Hi! need help in only extruding select sketches!
Is there a way to set the fillet radius as a parameter?
Please help Mapping .svg onto egg shape
Coming from Solidworks. Need help constraining sketches and using loft.
3d scanning my friend