What's the smallest fandom you are a part of?
A shop for killers season 2
Most niche kink you've written?
Best/Worst Opening Credits
What ship is this for you?
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938
Is it wrong to really like the character Tate Langdon?
dramas with the best OSTs
What Kdrama is this?
Has Avatar inspired you to become an environmentalist or a vegan ?
what are your favorite underrated dramas?
How many kdramas are perfect 10/10 for you?
Dominant FMC
What is your most rewatched kdrama?
People in tiny fandoms, how many works does your fandom(s) have?
What fandom introduced you to fanfictions?
Bully/bullied fics
Make your choice
should i let this get to me? or do i ignore this?
I'm bored so which httyd character should I draw:3
Touch starved fic rec
Onlyfans in Cuba?
Huniepop 2 pairs
What’s your Marauders' opinion that’s going to have the community react like this?
What’s your Ted Lasso opinion that’s going to have the community react like this?