Looking for the best tank character.
Looking for a mod that let's me have demon powers for 1.7.10.
Tell me your favourite princess and I’ll rate them
What song is impossible not to smile too?
What’s a franchise you’d like to bring back for the new generation?
Let’s do it guys
Reward for Grinding All Morning
Controller no longer charges with the statik cable i've been using since the beginning.
Looking for opinions on the best trickster in the game
Love this!
I cant decide
Job searching nowadays is ridiculous.
Just an observation
Why do you guys think we got to spend so much time with HEA after leaving the cabin?
Which princess is the most attractive? Which voice?
I made a custom Natsuki figure
I did it. Finding all the chests was annoying af but it was worth it
What is the general consensus on the Khan boss fight? I personally found this boss fight terrible compared to the others in the game.
Is it just me, or does this game not feel quite the same as the first one?
What's the max exosuit slots?
Cursed Expedition Phase 3 Portal Not Working
My Best Shot I’ve Taken So Far
What’s Your Favorite Character?
Looking for games with the same life reflection/adventure vibe as this.
What character do you just straight up hate or dislike?