Why cant i zenkai him?
Well I smell bullshit
Would anyone be interested in joining my guild?
Who's next this year
Finally got LF vegito wondering which team is better (I’m aware I’m going to switch it tomorrow for zenkai)
I didn’t think it was possible…
Why cant my team tank?
If NK decided to make another paragon, what tower would it be, my guess is the druid
What equipt as should I run?
What team?
Look at this dude and then try to tell me that there's a god
I guess I just can't play the game anymore because I'm unlucky and can't get the new unstoppable character day one
getting one-tapped from your OWN RUSH is a new level of dumb 😭
committed, weakening or refreshment for my new insane tower pull?
Oh… It’s Beast Gohan
Can you do the tower power glitch on switch?
Anyone have a corrupted pumpkin for sale?
Can anyone gift me some hacked items?
So Tamagami #3 is a 1% sparking, what if 2 is an LF and 1 is an ultra?
Is this enough cc to pull the ultra?
How do I get more points lol
What are the chances and/or the best way to get them
How does one compete