Thoughts on my top 20 Kendrick songs?
The Tupac Interview just got so much more relevant with the CEO stuff
Painting EVERY Operator!
Painting EVERY Operator
New Map Concept: Museum
Working on a 3D Concept Map: Museum. Stay Tuned
Thoughts on bosG?
What are your thought of the new operator Skopòs icon?
What is the most skilled operator to play?
How longs have these Tits been in Seige?
How the Hell is this allowed in the game?
Painting Every Operator (Huge Progress)
Don’t Mind my Friends Celebration
Painted Every Operator Years Ago
Painting Every Operator
Who is your favourite operator?
Quick Update Painting Every Operator (not much progress but I’m leaving for a while)
Every Operator Painted (unfinished) who is your favorite so far and who should I do next?
Top 10 Best Drone Spots (not any particular order)
Some of my Best Drone Spots (I have more that even better should I post them too?)
Every Operator painted (not done yet) by me