Does taking fin at a young age prevent future prostate issues?
Am I balding? Or am I tweaking
Looking to sell or trade. $185 shipped
How Do I Know If My Cats Are Truly Happy?
what do you think
Age? Tags are completely worn off
Update: 7.5 months of fin, 4 months of min
What wax can I use to wax my denim?
Does Dut help with thinning or just hair loss?
Does dutastiride really make your hair loss worse.
Is there any other game with as satisfying combat as sekiro has?
Shedding after 2 weeks on dutasteride?
How bad is it? (20 years old)
Painting the tiniest of letters... is it possible to learn this power?
1 year year update (.5 mg Dut, 2.5 mg OM)
Has someone gone bald from dht while taking finasteride?
A girl told me she tought i looked 45 even tho i am 23.
What’s your resort’s shittiest food option that slaps because it’s cheap?
26M. What can I do here? Hairline cooked?
I was born 10 minutes from Gaza
[COD] is this true?? 👀
Finasteride experience, kind of need advice
Before switching from fin do dut. How to tell if I'm experiencing further miniaturisation or a big fin shed?
Have been taking dutasteride for a year