[US,US] [H] Modern and Vintage Hits Trade Binder, 70% Binder, incomplete 5 set binder, [W] PP, Terastal Festival SR’s/SAR’s, Team Rocket Rares, Wantlist, Trades
[US,US] [H] LP N4 1e Miracle Energy, LP N2 1e Magnemite holo, LP Charmander IR, Sealed Umbreon stamps, 349/358 Temporal Forces Master set missing SIRs with 1e vaultx binder, 339/417 Surging Sparks Master set missing secret rares in vaultx binder [W] Paypal, Want list
[US,US] [H] 100% Complete Jungle, Fossil and Base Set 2, Trade Binder [W] PayPal, PSA 10 Slabs, Cheap FA/IRs, Wantlist (Fusion Strike, Lost Origin, Surging Sparks)
[US,US] [H] Binder 4 Sale, Trade Binder (FAs, IRs, Japanese, Some Pokeballs/Masterballs), PayPal [W] Wishlist, PayPal GS, S-Chinese Cards, Trades
Target TCG nightmare when will it end ?!?! *venting*
[US, US] [H] PayPal G&S [W] English Prismatic Pokeballs at STEEP DISCOUNT
[US,US] [H] Binders [W] Wantlist, Consolidation Trades, PP G&S, Sealed Product trade
finally someone has said something rather then sitting and watching
Is my Chinese Captain Pikachu fake?
[US, FL] (H) PC for Trade, PayPal (W) MEGA EX Full Art Cards, EX FA BW & XY, EX BW & XY, Wantlist & PayPal
Don’t touch other people’s balls
Best chance to get ANY Journey Together at release?
I tried to look up what events Tiger has never won and this is the result I got from AI.
Bro what?
[US,US] (H)Binder (W) Wantlist/PayPal G&S
[US, NA] [H] Lots of ES & CZ loose packs, PC ETBs, PSA 10 slabs (IRs and PC Stamped), Stamped promos, Singles [W] PayPal, PC ETBs, SwSh BBs, Wantlist
Don’t be like this guy
i wanna re start collecting cards, where should i start?
[US,US] [H] Trades, CGC slabs [W] Wantlist, PayPal
Whats you highest kill count?
Bought a Pikachu with grey felt hat off eBay and not sure if it’s real or fake.
Can’t find correct replacement for Kohler shower/tub faucet.