Strongbox best loot
Tempering needs to change and not brick items
Dear GGG, Can We Tone Down Totem Animation???
These completely random and absolutely not weighted temperings make this game so much more fun /s
I don't care that there will be new items in the shop
Now that we have the armory, it becomes appearent what is the number one feature we need next: A loot filter
Unable to play the Endgame in Couch Co-Op
Xbox - not working - bump 0.0.1
Xbox Login Issue - update required error
Anyone else having trouble login in on Xbox one?
How do we set up loot filters on console?
Path of Exile 2 - Patch 0.1.1 Patch Note Preview
I'm new to PoE2 and new to the genre. The passive skills tree kind of confuses me. I'm lvl.11 right now or so, and I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or missing something. Have any advice?
Has anyone managed to fix the horrible input lag on console?
Path of Exile 2 - 0.1.1 Patch Preview
Please for the love that is everything fix controller disconnects
Aftermath of a 10 Breach Map on Console Without Access to Loot Filters - Love the game, but this is the most painful looting experience ever. Here's to hoping console functionality is in the next patch!
Impressive, how much effort they put in the water-goes-away animation. Too bad nobody will ever see it, because the maps needs ages to load.
Don’t Drink Da Water…
Time to move on from this clunky and time-draining trading system
We're back!
Thank you for...nothing?
Isn't the number under the minion icon the amount of active minions?
I have never played a game in the series, is it best to start at 4?
Current "experience" on Xbox Series X