You guys unsurprisingly again picked tpot 15 as the best episode. Out of all the almost 30 teams that have been created in bfdi, which is the best? (You can pick one from each season)
Who’s THAT Pokemon?
Who u living with?
Guess That Piggy Skin 22
Fergus and Duocara are out. Day 19. Comment your two LEAST favorite skins.
Daughter thinks it’s a shoe?
donut of shame because he thinks he’s a cave diver youtuber 😭
I just got this today
Bro must be 12 😭
Guess That Piggy Skin 21
Stealing her brothers worms.
Guys can we stop being down bad for objects it's weird
Death P.A.C.T again but they're CCP
Eelektra and Shardantus are out. Day 18. Comment your two LEAST favorite skins.
This is my keyboard, where ALL LETTERS ARE EQUAL
Has anyone ever seen this Esther Winchester glitch?
Tell me ur username so I can out you in my game!
Duocara Alt is out. Day 17. Comment your two LEAST favorite skins.
Guess That Piggy Skin 20!
Guess That Piggy Skin 19
Which pokemon are they making?
"Delta is an delta" "no, they're duck" gorilla, they must be gorilla though
Bakari and Bela are out. Day 16. Comment your LEAST favorite skin.