Hot takes : I hope Raiden's sister isn't Fujin
Name a better boss thats fun, forces you to git gud and remains a top tier fight even after he gets easy. Geni is just top tier, show him some love
new post from ER twitter
Which encounter are you looking forward to the most in the DLC?
Realized I have never blessed the community with a power tier list of my own
Alright take your bets folks, how big of a role will Godwyn have in the DLC?
Rank the Greeks from Weakest to Strongest
Which Sindel design is the best?
So is nocturne bad or good?
Could Guts survive the worlds of Dark Souls?
Best Souls Games Ranked
The First Emperor vs The Thunder Berserker
Whats your biggest hot take that you think shouldn’t be a hot take at all?
Chainsaw man is the 5th best selling manga of the year!
Just found this at my friends place, what do you think?
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to call Hamas terrorists after Piers Morgan asks him 15 times
Time for serious question. Do you really believe that Gege hated Gojo xD ?
I Don’t Believe In Drinking Culture
If your country or your country’s Allies were attacked would you enlist
Ranking SoulsBorneSekiRing games based on how annoying I think the fans are
Antisemitism Among Muslim Migrants Unsettles a Germany Haunted by the Holocaust
Am I the only one who’s getting a bit suspicious by the amount of Pro-Israeli propaganda that has come to reddit and social media in general recently?
The amount of people falling for the Pro-Israeli propaganda in reddit(and social media in general) now is insane
Muslim Anti-Semitism in Berlin: "Wide Swaths of Arab-Speaking Population Harbor Sympathies for Terrorists"
Who is the agressor again?