Some true map gore
Top 3 do something to Vatican (Day 1)
OFN "The faces that fight for freedom" poster
What country is this?
Top upvoted country gets annexed by its neighbors! #4
A United Latin Europe, 2025
This subreddit users when someone posts the same gulf of america “joke” the 438th time
Roses are red, you mustn't be late
Which Balkan County did it?
Явно има умни Американци
So say it.
Just stop!!!!
What projection is this?
The Penguinz0 character is reprehensible
had a dream the siberian part of russia declared indepedence and their flag was this
“living in 2050”
With great power comes great responsibility
Serbs beware, lol
The Revival Program
What flags is this???!!?!?
Imagine him-
top comment changes this map of albania day 2
How Gay Are Ya'll?
The cooler Jane Doe