After finishing SOTR, I find myself wondering...
THEORY: The 25th games were a disaster for the Capitol
Astruc! This is not One Piece! STOP!!
Would they come back?
Unpopular Opinion
What would change in the whole avatar series/comics/books if the viewership was not for kids
If Zuko had died from his injuries during the final Agni Kai with Azula, who would've been the new Fire Lord assuming everything else in that episode played out the same way?
Predictions that turned out to be wrong
I can't be the only one who thought Haymitch and Maysilee...
Sh*tpost: give me your worst fan theories?
Did Sapphire and Kuzon take the news well?
ideas for quarter quells?
Rigged Reapings
Michelle Visage should play Druisella the the SOTR movie
Anyone read and finished Sunrise on the reaping yet?
Lenore Doves Dad
CMV: Azula being socially akward around people her age is the best detail of her personality.
ATLA benders vs TLOK benders.
What would happen if an avatar died for a moment and then was revived? Would there be 2 avatars? Would they lose the avatar spirit and it gets passed on or something else?
Do you think Veronica would have had a child in her twenties or her thirties?
What's the most random prediction you have for SOTR before the book comes out?
So they DID know about her
Give me a random episode to watch. Go.