I think comic Daredevil would stomp Toph
We all agree that Toph no diffs Daredevil, right?
Pick one to be your main suit forever
Just finished Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. Ask me anything about the game. I need an excuse to talk about it.
What do you guys think his role should be in Spider-Man 3?
Bro defeated the biggest burger out there.
I know you guys want Carnage or Cyclops or whatever. But what unlikely C-tier hero would yall actually be hyped for if they were teased in the game?
Guys i think we cracked the code if you look at the shadows around normans eyes tell me what you see
Would Spider-Man's 2 story overall be better of Miles wasn't really in it?
Ok story aside, now that half the villains are dead while the other classic villains have already been used, what villains do you think would fit SM3?
This is how I imagine Ant-Man in Marvel Rivals!
Playing Kiwami 2 right now, and I just need to say this:
Do you think that GOW 6 will be a prequel or sequel?
Give me a tip for your main character, however, make it an absolutely terrible tip.
Brooooooo there's no way this is a real easter egg 😂😭
Cobra Kai S6E15 - "Ex-Degenerate" - Discussion Thread
Cobra Kai S6E13 - "Skeletons" - Discussion Thread
Let's create an ultimate KR show list. Who was the best MC? All eras. The one with most vote gets picked.
Tell me your favourite kamen rider using 3 emojis
any of these characters can easily replace mj missions for spiderman 3
It’s crazy how during the 6 years from 2014-2019, Sam made an appearance nearly every single year as Falcon, but since he became Captain America, in 6 years he’s only had 2 appearances.
comic book style > realistic style
Basically The Zero One hate by the fans
If You Could Redesign The Suit. What Would You Change and Why?
Im playing Kiwami 1 on PS5, and I was wondering how I summon Majima?
What are your top 3 favorite of Ben’s aliens?