Is this a good deal for the gold edition (was on a big Ubisoft sale and was on my just for you sale is $44 with just the Ubisoft sale)
I jailbroke my iPhone 6 yesterday!
I need a video editing program for the iMac G3 that takes mp4 files. I have a 600MHz G3 and 128mb ram. And if there is no program that does support mp4s, then how can I convert mp4 to DV? No online converters tend to work.
I tried to capture some lizard teefers...
My home office companion
My lord! I haven’t posted on this account in almost a year. This is my new iMac G3! I’ve posted this on my other account (u/psychomacintosh5) but I thought I’d put it here too.
What would be a good price for a used wii? What would be a good deal and what would be too expensive?
Finally beaten Super Mario 64 on my Wii (Wiimote+Nunchuk)
Just got a Kindle Paperwhite 2013 from my mom! I have yet to get a non-purple case for it.
Blursed bowl
Any good sci fi book recommendations for a 12-13 year-old?
What is the point of jail breaking a kindle paper white? What benefits does it bring to the user experience?
Paperwhite gang, where you at...
which door
Important Things!
What are you using to animate it?
Animation auditions for my Object Show
Got this as a half birthday present! My first compact Mac. I ordered a keyboard and mouse and they should be here soon.
i made an object camp; go join!
Two Apple devices, 12 years apart.
My new (To me) 4th gen I got from eBay
More restomod pics. 256 colors