É necessário alguém ser capaz de defender todas as ideias no qual ele acredita?
Humanity's Possible Futures
What shenanigans could you pull out if you have Man-Man´s powers?
“There is no hope for humanity! The Imperium is completely dead!” Meanwhile:
Non-FTL Interstellar Travel - Your options include:
If you were put in charge of making the Imortal relevant to the main story in the next season of the show, how would you go about it?
Humanity after being horribly modified by some space bugs
Death is their glory and Protein is their purpose
What country is this??
What's your favorite piece of misinformation that keeps getting spread as true, and might actually make the setting slightly more interesting if it was true? (Yes, this is a repost. Sue me.)
Sci-fi is when the United Nations controls the entire world and renames the planet to Terra for some reason
Welcome to Hard Sci fi bar, how hard are ya?
“That’s a nice hard sci-fi world senator, why don’t you back it up with plot and characters?”
Types of hard scifi
I guess that surviving traumatic events made you a chad (aka: dead space 1-2, Alien(S), RE7-8, etc.)
What if AC6 had conquest mode and what would it be like?
What role does mechs play in your world other than combat?
Homem x mosquita
Dar dinheiro para Influencers, Youtubers e Streamers é a burrice crônica da modernidade.
if whatever threat you make can be killed by nukes then im not as afraid of it, make sure that your aliens/zombies/whatever can deal with a nuke
After getting all the three endings, I feel like 621 carried the entire history on his back, what would had happen if he wasn´t a factor in Rubicon?
The solution to any seeming tech issue: advancementbeing held back througj overkill outside intervention
Hel me, my science is softening!