Canadians to Maine: No, thanks!
Does anyone know where these are around New England?
Retiring ...
The most Xennial/Millennial meme I have made.
I work for a large healthcare organization and we all just received this from our Security team. Apparently there is a threat to organizations, nationwide. Wth?
Nebraska meatpackers call on feds to deregulate industry
Some people might say this is a problem.
Who's the funniest Xennial?
What are some other Xennial dorm room posters?
what do I do?
Someone vandalized the illegal Trump billboard outside of Bath, Maine
Movies I could watch with my 70 yr old grandma who hates horror and violence
Armed resistance
Where *is* ok to shop these days?
Everyone loves it… except you. What’s the most overrated movie?
best unpopular romcoms
What movie did you watch at least 100 times?
Hypocrisy Exposed Again
Love watching Teen Titans Go! with my kids so I can overexplain all the xennial references to them.
movies with girls who are very freaky and weird
This dude had me thinking there was a back up plan if shit didn’t work out when I grew up.
An appreciation post for a true songbird of our teenage years
The Chicks
Where do you get your news ? What blogs do you follow