Okay so we've all seen the incredible fic about the house of black in their prime but what I've never seen is the weasleys before the malfoy's destroyed them financially. (Fannon) Imagine a gazillion proud pureblood redheads running around causing mayhem.
Arthur was a seventh son of a seventh so so there would be all kinds of fun characters to write. I saw a picture of a redhead dressed to the nines a I realized we've been deprived of that. Heirs and family lineages were everything in the wizarding world having seven sons had to be such a big deal. I imagine the weasleys were such a proud family as far as fertility went. It makes sense for the Blacks to marry into their family, who doesn't want seven sons for themselves. I know that the twins were carrying on the legacy of their Prewitt uncles but I imagine there was just as much mischief in the Weasley family. In Canon they were definitely prominent once.
I've seen fanfics that hint that at one time the Malfoy's and the Weasleys were so close they had a marriage contract. As far as I can tell, this is fannon but Imagining that dynamic is crazy to me. We could have had a poncy redheaded Draco Malfoy 😱😱😱😱
Red hair and hand-me-downs must be Weasley yeah but this could have been you if your family hadn't been backstabbing traitors.
Better a bloodtrator than an oath breaker.
I meant House of Black fics plural sorry to get your hopes up that there's one epic one but I did include a list of really cool House of Black stories in the comments