Been playing the demo and decided to pull the plug and buy deluxe, so I buy it and assumed the demo would count as it having been downloaded but I was wrong?... How?
Xbox have random horrible frames out of nowhere as I go to a new part of current map. Anyone else experiencing this?
Is it possible to take the outer gate without being detected. [KCD2]
Arch Tempered Rey Dau Being A Month Away Feels Kinda Lame
The first souls-like that ever made me "get it"! This games absolutely incredible.
I know there is a TON of atheists here so im sure I will catch a lot of aggression, but I find it SO ignorant to be SO sure that there is no afterlife/higher power and that once we die that's just the end. Just like it's extremely ignorant to be so sure of a god.
Neople need some serious praise for this game
Really, really, really hoping they add some serious challenge in this update. The very thing about monster hunter that I love is the difficulty gives me a laundry list of personal goals to complete. This one is just too easy so far
If I don't want to wait days to buy it, can I still grab the deluxe and play ahead of time even if it's released now?
Why do you people believe life is meaningless?
Just lost my job (atleast for right now) due to not having childcare and daycare being more than I make due to terrible cost of living in my area (VA) Isn't there emergency SNAP in which they will up the amount I get quickly?
everyone’s packages stuck rn?
I think it's important for people to remember, SO many things in life ARE not black and white. Many, many things are subjective and up for interpretation and have many layers to them...
Yo, they actually need to shut down this deplorable fucking company. My package didn't get delivered because driver couldn't access adress. I called and they said he couldn't get into my gated neighborhood....
Need a game that I can get addicted to
Can I skip LR weapon and hop in mid tree for HR weapons in Wilds? I noticed the water hammer I want (HR) has the purple hammer icon ...
Deciding to get back into meditation after years. Also getting my 6 year old daughter to join me for 5 minutes a night. What resources would you recommend if you could go back and speak with yourself when you were starting.
Manifesting negativity in my life. It's blowing my mind addmitedly and is oddly peaceful despite the negative consequences.
Just gooned out for 17 hours. God help me
In desperate need of a new game like Skyrim
[KCD2] Opus Magnum quest and returning to the spot it's located after [spoilers)
My thoughts on the game being "Easy"
I'm feeling so fucking good about this game
Game like Hallow Knight
Anyone familiar with Kellsport sweatpants/sweatshirts? I have quite a unique question that I doubt anyone can answer about their absolutely beefy clothing.