What are your opinions on having to buy the “DRAW!” Emote from the shop?
Easy mode against Incineration Corps - Automatons.
Que game é esse pra vc?
Sooo, this order is failed, right?
Will there ever be a new Creek?
Name the thing that currently frustrates you most in the game. (The thing you most want AH to fix.)
Which Warbond for a new Diver?
Forget nerfs and buffs. Which Hellpod do y’all always pick given the choice?
Fictional Reworked Passive
The last thing a bot sees when dying:
It's been a month. What are the general thoughts on the Servants of Freedom?
How to type correctly with this armor? 👀
Orbital Laser is great. Change my mind.
Say something negative about this game
In my opinion..
Who's ready to save some Moderately Feeble Young Adults???
"Is home to many civilians."
The right choice.
What are some of the loadouts you always return to?
Does anyone listen to music while spreading democracy?
What messeges would you add?
Some of us fight for Super Earth after all...