I have an addiction, it’s called AliExpress
What movie is 10/10, yet hardly anyone has heard of it?
I would like to present for your consideration... My nook.
I have the best co-workers! They got me Armada Wheeljack for my birthday!
Wow, Hot Rod really let himself go...
Aerialbot Age of Primes vs. Combiner Wars comparisons
Shelfie Sunday: My G1 shelf is getting crowded! (Repost, I forgot Bruticus)
Thought I would show off My new figure here
My local store pick ups
I wasn't feeling the AotP versions of the Aerialbots so far, so I went with this Combiner Wars KO set for $30
I didn't expect these two to pair so well together.
He's here.
[US-UT] [H] ss86, buzzworthy bumblebee, titans return, legacy, kingdom [W] Paypal
Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT buy Blokees. You will absolutely fall in love with them.
The logical next step after setting up a light box
Aerialbots arrived!
I couldn't wait for the new Comabiticons, so I got the Pocket Toys set.
What up coming Combiner are you gonna try to complete? (If your gonna try any or all three)
Excellion and Sideways up for preorder on Hasbro Pulse
Shelfie Sunday: Cybertron Edition
Just started collecting, is this good?
Walmart Retro Bumblebee
Man, Blockees are cool
Bruticus !
Are commercials right now more deserving of hate than ever or … ?