Desisti no rosto kkkk
Cool skating
Girl from a book cover
Battle of the Heroes
learning color
ainda estou aprendendo a compor luz e sombra para trazer o efeito 3D. vocês tem alguma dica de melhoria?
Spent hours on this but idk if it was worth it
Car people guess this one
Carrão 😎
Sumô - Clarencio o otimista
Tá bom?
é daora esse desafio kkkkk, mó tenso quando chega no final
What is his body count?
A piece I made
Eu tô sem ideia do que desenhar. Alguém me dá uma sugestão por favor?
Estava treinando pintura de roupas, alguma dica/sugestão?
How can I improve my faces/heads?
Here’s my last 3 drawings… Sometimes I feel like I dont have any artistic identity or style. What do you think?
is tracing from reference images a good approach for learning pixel art?
Arte do carlinhos kkkkk
Anatomically correct muscles - By Me (Zoe)
Been practicing my drawing. What are your critiques and practice suggestions?