What do you think about adding crew served weapons(or "team weapons") to battlefield similar to helldivers 2?
Lets be real guys
Bullet hit marker sound? What do you think?
Finishers confirmed. MP5 Pre Alpha Gameplay
What BF6 Running Animations Should Look Like
An assault can now apparently pick a perk that lets you carry two primaries
It's not about speed, it's about weight and sound
Who do you think the main antagonist of "Death Stranding 2: On The Beach" will be?
There's been so much discussion comparing the pre-alpha to 3, that I think we should all take a minute and remember exactly what they were like. It was faster than you'd think.
Recoil control, reloads and ADS time - Why Battlefield 3 isn't as slow and heavy as you remember
This level is either in Mexico or South America, as the sign on this building is in Spanish
Early 2010, Battlefield Bad Company 2 Atacama Desert gameplay Video
Deep Breaths
So I bought a g2a key voor 2x 6 months FL studio Producer edition. The licenses are shown in my licenses but I cannot activate it in the program itself.
Name a better expansion. Maps can make or break a Battlefield so I really hope they get it right this time. I have way more fun on 2042 playing the legacy maps.
Battlefield 4 Alpha vs Lunch —Hope BF6 Improves Like This!
Something Missing from BF6 Design Philosophy
New Pre Alpha gameplay showcasing recoil pattern for ACE
Slow movement, add heaviness & refine animation
Hope they will give the weapons in the new game more weight
New Leaked Gameplay
So I saw FL studio 21 producer edition for a cheaper price. Is this the good version? Do I Miss something if I do not buy the 24 edition?
Animations of exiting/entering vehicles - my opinion
What will the next battlefield be named?
What would be a dealbreaker for you?