Why do people vote for Erdoğan?
Eylemler Lehine
SONDAKİKA | Ekrem İmamoğlu gözaltına alındı.
Kemalizm-vari diğer ideolojiler hakkındaki görüşleriniz neler ?
Neighborhood Chonker approaching Perfect Sphere
O sandık gelecek, milletin dediği olacak, demokrasi kazanacak.
Palestinian child narrator of pulled BBC Gaza documentary speaks out
Ekrem Imamoglu, Erdogan's most prominent opponent ever, holds 4 rallies in 2 days and challenges him for public TV - no response yet
Ekrem İmamoğlu: Kusura Bakma Erdoğan. Atı Alan Üsküdar’ı Geçti. Senin Dönemin Bitti! Öyle de Bitti. Böyle de Bitti.
Suriye Türkmenleri Irak Türkmenlerinin itibarını ciddi şekilde zedeledi ve bundan utanıyorum.
İmamoğlu hitap tarzını değiştirdi.
Syria has turned out exactly like how you'd expect a western color revolution to go
How do Australians get received in Turkey? What impressions do you have good or bad?
Kurdish Jew results
33 Years Later: Gaza's Longest-Serving Prisoner Reunites with Mother. Arrested as a child and returning to his mother with grey hair, Gaza's longest-serving prisoner, Diaa Al-Agha, embraces her after 33 years of captivity
Percentages of 10 Year Olds Reaching Advanced Benchmark of Mathematics Achievement in TIMSS 2023 in Europe&Surrounding Area
My porch kitty.... Yes she's a stray. No she won't come in. She's always welcome.
Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and pro-Palestinian protesters shut down the entrance of Maersk's headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, demanding an end to weapons transfers to Israel.
Turkish results from Giresun + Dodecad k12b
She has a double chin 💞✨🪄
Erdoğan’a seslenen bir vatandaş: "Sayın Cumhurbaşkanım, TÜSİAD’ı kapat ekonomi kurtulsun. CHP’yi kapat, ülkem kurtulsun. İsrail’i bitir, dünya kurtulsun."
By Allah, perhaps I have treated Erdogan too harshly.
dünyanın en obez kedisi…
Little swimming pig and the tiny dive
Kendisi de bir güney Azerbaycan Türkü olan İran Cumhurbaşkanı Pezeşkiyan (tüm uyarılara rağmen) Türkçe şiir okudu