Two whole continents, thousands of years of history, lost forever
If this shit pops up one more time...
Could 47 assassinate a man in a padded room, with 24/7 security and surveillance with one armored door?
Women carrying each other over the shoulder like this is so hot Imagine if Chloe carried Elana and if Nadine carried Chloe or Elana like this
Can we take a moment to acknowledge how actually good this suit is? For such an overlooked, and hard to obtain suit, I feel like The Ancestral Hunter Suit is SUPER underrated. Definitely on of the best suits in the entire game.
Favorite ingame show/film?
Anyone know where I can post this (also the name of the song pretty please)
I love my cats. I love my cats. I love my cats.
FOV of the GOAT, I’ve seen it 🐐
Sometimes I like to think Arthur and Sadie would have been a good couple in a way.😍☺️
Ufa, Russian
Any Karen “admiration” fans in here?
I miss tumblr edits, so I made one for the best boy
Years women got voting rights in Middle Eastern Countries
Do you always walk in front of the reporter in Paris too?
these are all cigarette butts.
Hitman 3: 47’s Deception
What is the most unrealistic mission?
Best map to go "Fuck it, war crime time"?
which one