Imee Marcos is too much of a Marcos for the DDS and too much of a DDS for the Marcos loyalists
Finally got all gold crowns!
What the cheapest game you ever bought and turn out to be amazing?
A major protest on March 28 for Pdiggy
Established pop-up camps got randomly shuffled
How would you redesign Zorah Magdaros?
People that tried Switch Axe and didn't like it. What did you not like about it?
How would these two react and meet
Pulis ng Pilipino o pulis ni Duterte?
Which other monsters loses a move when parts are broken? i hate that poison tail so much, so always very satisfying to cut it and she can't poison me no more.
Why is this so damn confusing or am I just dumb?
It took me 82 hunts to get both crowns on Rey Dau
Damn this quest was dark…
Can You People Stop Capturing Monsters When It Is Not Your Quest
Top of the food chain achievment not popping up?
Sino ba kasi nagsabing boss ka? "PUBLIC SERVANT" ka Maem.
How to count how many Tempereds you’ve killed.
Should The Old Games Be Ported To Modern Systems And PC Like Most Other Popular Capcom Franchises?
Roque says China isn’t a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention.. but UN records say otherwise. Am I missing something here?
I saw a spinning lance and I want to know what it’s called.
President Trump: "In a few moments, I will sign an executive order to begin eliminating the federal Department of Education once and for all."
What are you doing right now in the game?
I've never seen a monster do an attack cancel before
What weapon do you think i use?
How to combat Nercylla?