What does this suggest about Silksong's progress?
I was the Lead Playtester for Hollow Knight AMA
Silksong Switch 2 release?
Silksong may actually be coming soon.
Dying before Silksong
I will answer all questions about silksong
If Silksong IS at the Switch 2 Direct I'll go bald
What are other things alongside silksong, you guyz are waiting for??
April 2nd we will get the release date in the switch 2 event
New Kickstarter Login! (also new Kickstarter Creator Info UI)
Adding to the pile of theories
What is some crazy feature you would like to see in Silksong ?
What do you guy expect from Silksong?
What do you think is the biggest mistake Silksong can make?
Aliexpress has announced that it will accept payment in local currency maybe false maybe true can someone please confirm this
Met Ari Gibson a few days ago
Download Request: silksong moss forest
silksong is gone the Nintendo eShop which means it's no longer coming to switch 1
new kickstarter login in 3 months !
Alleged Concept Art for Santa Monica Studios New IP
Second announcement from ara (SILKSONG SHADOWDROP IN 3 MINUTES)
All the towns seem to have a glass crystal ball within them. Not sure if it means anything.
I happened to be in Adelaide, and I decided to go over to Team Cherry's office to take some photos outside, when someone there (a manager, 99% sure) gave me some pins!
Wait a second...
silksong is real i can't wait !