Just a favorite of mine.
Perhaps the most distinctive portrait of Henry VIII I’ve seen.
Mauritius, USA, Russia,
About time I started reading this
90s Mcmansion. There's CARPET UP THERE.
If America was a band, what would its name be?
What are some things that make you go ew?
For 1 billion dollars, what kind of atrocities would you be able to commit?
How would you handle a relationship if you had a partner that maintains a relationship with their ex’s ? Example : coworkers, professional transactions, etc.?
What is something that ruined rdr2 For you?
People in relationships, what completely mundane thing do you enjoy watching your partner do, and why?
What’s a subtle sign that someone is lying or being insincere?
What is the best way to get revenge on a lunch thief at work?
Does applying earth hour in your household today makes any difference and why ?
If marvel made a superhero based on Gen Z, what would its name and power be?
What are the things you anticipate will trigger nostalgia for this era 20-30 years from now?
Who is your favourite cartoon character?
Which modern figure will be remembered as legendary as Cleopatra?
Are you a completely different person when you aren’t around people and how?
Who is your favourite game character?
In your opinion, is it possible for a popular, attractive, wealthy, and smart jock to be depressed? Why or why not?
What’s the best store bought ice cream flavor?
What is the best sexual compliment you got?
What happens to people who don't want to improve?