Each hero's willingness for violence
You shouldn't be petty to teammates with negative K/D. This is Deadlock: you should be petty about no assists.
The Patrons have a "team healing" line for every hero. Here are some rare ones
Looking for Mo and Krill Model
Are there any media that cover the Deadlock atmosphere?
Someone made finally made a cinematic. (or leaked it)
Neutrals Neutered - 16th Mar 2025
The update from 03-13-2025 reduced the jungle soul values by much more than 15%
Deadlock Tournament Leak
Gabe Follower here, debunking myself. The total number of unique players info is wrong.
Character's mains stereotypes. Day 24 - Yamato mains
Lash bug has been fixed
Minor patch
Oddly specific unused Patron lines. Could be future achievements?
Seriously why is the intro so dang long?
Face of Deadlock
The update robbed me of a big portion of the joy I had and I can't figure out why
Infernus before immolating his best friends
Is this clasification accurate?
The lore factions of most characters
Vyper is Lash's biggest fan
"Processing... The BIOS is repairing itself" loop SOLVED
Chinese Deadlock clone "Golden Rush"
Tips for Goo Ult?