Blaming one person on your team for losing is dumb
When you say maybe people shouldn't be toxic in game
How it feels to finally get the Captain America Achievement
Since the Thing came out I have been pretty much raining him and my god... solo tanking is rough
I've played 3rd person shooters before, I still don't get why aiming right is a thing I've only felt in this game
I don't care what anyone says, Magiks dash needs a better hit box
I don't think I have ever intentionally gone onto tournament mode... and that cutscene annoys me every time
If you come in halfway through a QP match, you should start with at least half ult charge
This may get me down voted to hell, but a few of these achievements feel like you just gotta get lucky half the time
How are you supposed to deal with a Moon Knight ult now?
I feel like as a Cloak and Dagger main, if you swap to Cloak for like a second to try and defend yourself, so many DPS get pissed at you.
What is the invulnerablility on Magiks stepping disk?
What us the point of continuing a game when someone leaves?
I really wish they would add like a hit box thing in training mode
Happy to say I’m finally learning how to play magik
Anyone got any Magik tips?
Is D4C just super expensive everywhere?
Am I the only one who remembers nothing from this run?
Whose side were you on during the Identity War? Personally, I thought Iron Lantern made some good points, but they had to turn him into mandarax
Am I??
Am I?
I am
Am I still?
am I