Do Americans actually care about their country?
Riot Games co-founder Mark Merrill revealed Arcane only got 2 seasons because there are "more stories to tell" in the League of Legends universe. He also confirmed Riot wants to make more shows.
Makar vs. Forwards
21 m still going 31 hours deep with about a gram left 🧍🏽♂️
Olivia Cooke
Team WE drops Prince
That is one hell of a life.
Lego DnD set officially revealed
You wonder what his name is, and if he really was evil at heart.
[No spoilers] Critical Role Sick Day Today (January 18th)
Compiled a list of doomer posts from 2023
Nylanderthal checking in from Sweden
Quick Gameplay Thoughts: 13.16 - Thoughts on Game Time and Snowballing, Durability, and Role Balance.
Best champion to get stuck with in traffic? And why?
What turns you on that you are absolutely embarrassed about?
Death on the Job: Texas Says "NO" To Water Breaks in the Heat
Caucasian man who lived in Singapore for 9 years speaks with a Chinese accent
hi guys! dropping by to share my recent Lux fanart~
Two of The Best Looking Splash Arts