Why are eggs so expensive but chicken meat isn’t?
What subreddit likely has the largest socio/psychopath population?
What is your f*** everything song?
How do you manage friendships with people when they enter a toxic marriage?
Who’s the wealthiest person you know, and are they happy?
Why do so many US states’ bathrooms not have toilet seat covers?
Prank thought: What’s the funniest thing to say when your partner is about to cum?
Your reddit handle is now your work email address. How quickly are you getting fired?
Has anyone ever taken lifelong meticulous care of their teeth? What does that even look like?
What does burnout feel like to you?
How does your partner act differently around their family?
OB/GYNs of reddit, what should be common practice/knowledge but isn’t?
What do you miss being certain of?
How did you realize you were the problem?
You and your homie are light sparring but the speaker starts playing Duel of the Fates, wyd?
Who was the best leader you ever had?
If you had to make one thing legal and swap its current illegality with another act, what would they be and why?
Has anyone ever reversed a neck’s Dowager’s hump?
What’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to you during sex?
What’s the dumbest thing someone’s said during sex?
How would national policy change if your country’s leader experienced your job for a week?
What’s the most heroic true war story you’ve ever heard?
What video game character will forever have your heart?
Mechanics of reddit, what has the state of people’s cars taught you about human/behavioral psychology?
Quoted 3k for this repair, should I DIY?