Can anyone help identify what variation my newly adopted Beardie is?
Endgame sniper minion build giveaway
Forgot password Please help me 😭
Need urgent help!!!
My pc only have 2 colors yellow and blue
Steelseries GG 2.0
32 hour work week?
Hi, anyone knows what is the best anti virus for hacked devices, literally recording things i do on my screen and listening to everything i say
My stupid fence post twisted after I concreted it in.
It’s Very Encouraging to Get Customer Praise
You guys think I can restore this piece?
Is working in IT help desk hard?
My BF Doesn’t Pleasure Me
18 months of Trickle Truths
I emotionally cheated on my boyfriend
I never wanted to be married and I’ll never tell my wife.
My CEO wants me to set up a 10 monitor display in the warehouse
As a male teenager, I'm terrified of the male anatomy and it's affecting my identity.
The real reason I (21M) broke up with my gf (22F)...
Found in my village
Elevated above ground pool
Oh man! That new honey comb smell.
I feel empty and broken
Dripper Labs by far the best company I've dealt with!
I lost my son at three months old. Almost three year have passed and my heart is still torn to pieces.