Just a reminder about Gun Interactive
Ryan notoriously can not take criticism in any way, blocking anyone he suspects is going to be mean to him, so it should be no surprise he always makes sure to heart all the glazers and parroters in his comments
What do you guys think about my beatles tier list
Beatles tier list.
What Mojang thinks will happen if they added the ability to ride dolphins
I thought the Sonic section smelled dank…
If lego released this today 80% of star wars fans would just buy these for armybuilding and never buy any of the sets
I’m so mad I’m only going to buy 50 packs!!
this might genuinely be the most horrifying scene to come out of an object show
Not sure if this is the first sighting or not, but Wave 3 has released in my area (South Carolina) even tho all i could find was 4 of the Sonics
I wish this episode wasn’t banned
We need less mocking M&R and more whining about nostalgia posts and carrying on the “we need more minifigures” posts
Most underrated and overrated stands
Found at Home Bargains - Are we sure these are bootlegs or just factory rejects?
When is the next community check in and Q&A?
Unpopular opinion: You dont HAVE to buy cosmetics
Preorder March 26th
First time I’ve been genuinely disappointed to get the Platinum first time
Found so many figures from the new wave…
Go ahead call me a dummy
"BATTLE VAN" swipe to see how it scales and for more shots
2012 called they want their memes back
Breaking Bad: The directors cut.
Made this concept image awhile ago and just found this subreddit, hope y'all like it
This looks cool as shit.
wait. who even made pearto?!
I didn't find anything but...