Gino rather agree to an open relationship, instead of having sex with his wife?
Kako da se ne izblamiram tokom (prvog) seksa?
Mišljenje popularnog strimera Asmongold na trenutno stanje u našoj državi. Ne znam dal smejati ili plakati, ali me čovek jeste zasmejao dobro.
I Arthas pumpa (znak sa jucerasnjeg protesta)
A Tale of a Medic
Срећан дан ослобођења
Dijana Hrka (majka poginulog mladića) i njena poruka na sinoćnjem dočeku studenata
Problemi u raju
Trouble at work for helping another
/r/Serbia sveopšta diskusija (random discussion) - Mar 10, 2025
Need help to push through the week
Best Outlast Protag?
Tech assistance needed
[Offer] I'll send £100 to two people
how we feeling about this one
Offer up of 100 to 4 people that can be split so 25 a piece
If Guts had full access to airpods and a working ipod/phone to play music on, what music do you think hed listen too before a long day killing apostles? 🤔
Hit rock bottom, drowning in debt.
[OFFER] $100 USD to 2 people in need (Venmo, PayPal or Amazon gift card)
Give me your Outlast 3 ideas ⬇️
And people still think Draco and Harry are meant to be
Are they seriously going to make Snape black?
Najstrašnija slika koju trenutna vlast može da vidi. Novi Pazar danas.
Jel još neko bolestan?
Ova država dinara nije uložila u Niš...