I need some opinions.
fighter for vhrt/ert?
Distortion weapons in 4.0 - What's the status?
I just don't get it and it's making want to play less and less :(
Death tax?? Let’s get this fixed first. I’m going to be in the negative before I even get to the spaceport.
VOLT guy will be overjoyed
*sigh* ... ... guess i'm doing another copper pickaxe and axe
Only ever gotten to early bronze age (tin bronze ftw) but steel just feels like high effort low reward imo
A way to stop Temporal Stability drain?
Why no sales on other platforms? It makes no sense
New Career path
how are people getting size 3 military components?
Few questions about your space ship
Should I not always wear armor?
Switzerland made it illegal to boil lobsters while they’re conscious because they feel pain. Do you think the rest of the world will catch on? Why or why not?
What is going on here?
Biggest Ship you can solo
the reliant ships could be really cool with some updates
Best s2 cooler and powerplant are "free"
OP melee weapon keeps showing up.
Why isn´t there a worthy successor to my Avenger Titan?
Can I hide during temporal storms? Or will they spawn into whatever little room I'm in?
Hungry early game
Anyone else thinks the Guardian needs a Buff?
For the Sabre Owners/Users - IR Emissions