Enjoying the View [4k in-game screenshot]
Why I Think Star Citizen's 2025 Memo is Different From The Past
There is a Huge disconnect between PvE Gameloop Time investment vs PVP Risk & Reward going on right now and honestly, it’s ruining the Game feel hard.
Death tax?? Let’s get this fixed first. I’m going to be in the negative before I even get to the spaceport.
there’s no point in cooperating with players.
This Star Citizen lore content creator deserves much more love @TheAstroHistorian
Will Star Citizen be viable for solo players in the future?
What is your opinion to the Mirai Guardian ?
Tony Z now listed as "Game Director Emeritus"
Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe
CIG on the issues impacting the playability experience
Stsr Citizen UK mainstream press: Billion-dollar video game: is this the most expensive piece of entertainment ever made?
Professional Editor Tries to Make an In-Verse Starlancer Ad
I just noticed something cool—when you fly through debris and it hits the ship, it actually sparks!
I’m a solo player and I really want engineering gameplay
Some of you guys are great and some of you just suck to share a game with.
This guy's total lack of awareness could have cost him his life in Pyro
Star Citizen 4.0: Has It Finally Turned a Corner? (Optimistic Discussion)
Star Citizen's 2024 Changes Go Far Beyond Gameplay
2024 is already the Best December Ever in funding
Who wouldn't want that
4.0 Preview - Status Update
Heartfelt thank you to all at CIG for the latest herculean push
Pedro is our John Williams - Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 4.0 - Music of Pyro